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Here I will expand on each of the top 10 questions related to content planning, specifically tailored for digital marketers in the New Zealand real estate sector, as outlined in my email newsletter of of 14/11/2023.

1. **What types of content are most effective in engaging potential property buyers in the New Zealand real estate market?**

   - Consider which formats (e.g., blog posts, videos, virtual tours) resonate most with New Zealand audiences. Explore how storytelling and local insights can enhance the appeal of property listings.

2. **How can digital content be optimised for SEO to increase visibility for New Zealand real estate listings?**

   - Discuss the importance of keyword research specific to the New Zealand property market. Explore strategies for integrating these keywords naturally into content, and the role of meta descriptions and title tags in improving search rankings.

3. **What are the best practices for leveraging social media platforms for content distribution targeting the New Zealand real estate audience?**

   - Explore which social media platforms are most popular in New Zealand and how real estate agents can use them effectively. Discuss the balance between promotional and informative content, and the use of paid advertising.

4. **How can video content be used to enhance property listings and attract a wider audience in New Zealand's real estate market?**

   - Delve into different types of video content (e.g., walkthroughs, neighbourhood guides, agent introductions) and their effectiveness. Discuss the technical aspects of producing high-quality real estate videos.

5. **What role does localised content play in attracting potential buyers in specific regions of New Zealand?**

   - Emphasise the importance of showcasing local attractions, schools, and community features in content. Discuss how to tailor content to highlight the unique aspects of different New Zealand regions.

6. **How can real estate agents use content marketing to position themselves as market leaders in the New Zealand property sector?**

   - Explore strategies for building a brand voice and thought leadership through insightful and informative content. Discuss the importance of consistent and authentic content in establishing credibility.

7. **What metrics should be used to measure the effectiveness of a content marketing strategy in the New Zealand real estate context?**

   - Identify key performance indicators such as website traffic, engagement rates, lead generation, and conversion rates. Discuss the tools and methods for tracking and analysing these metrics.

8. **How can content be tailored to appeal to different segments within the New Zealand property market, such as first-time buyers, investors, or luxury property seekers?**

   - Discuss the need for segment-specific content strategies and how to identify the preferences and pain points of each segment. Explore the use of personalised content and targeted messaging.

9. **What are the latest trends in content marketing that New Zealand real estate agents should be aware of?**

   - Investigate emerging content formats and channels (like augmented reality, AI-driven content) and how they can be applied in the real estate context. Discuss the importance of staying ahead in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

10. **How can storytelling be incorporated into content strategies to create more engaging and relatable real estate marketing in New Zealand?**

    - Discuss the power of narratives in creating emotional connections with properties. Explore techniques for crafting compelling stories about properties, neighbourhoods, and the lifestyle they offer.

By addressing these expanded questions, digital marketers in the New Zealand real estate sector can develop a comprehensive and effective content planning strategy that resonates with their target audience.

How Real Estate Agents Can Enhance Their Business Strategies with Chat GBT


How Real Estate Agents Can Enhance Their Business Strategies with Chat GBToday's digital age, technology plays a crucial role in the success of any business. Real estate agents, in particular, can greatly benefit from leveraging innovative tools to enhance their strategies and stay ahead of the competition. One such tool that has gained immense popularity is Chat GBT, which has amassed an impressive user base of 1 million in record time, surpassing even the growth rates of social media giants like Facebook and Twitter. In this blog post, we will explore five specific use cases of how real estate agents can effectively utilize Chat GBT for their business, providing tangible examples of its applications in the real estate industry.

Streamlining Communication with Clients

Managing communication with clients effectively is a key challenge faced by real estate agents. It is crucial for agents to stay in constant touch with their clients, providing them with timely updates and addressing their concerns and queries promptly. This not only ensures a smooth and seamless transaction process but also plays a significant role in enhancing client satisfaction and building long-lasting relationships.

In today's fast-paced digital world, where instant gratification is the norm, real estate agents need to leverage modern tools and technologies to streamline their communication processes. One such tool that has proven to be highly beneficial for agents is Chat GBT. This messaging platform offers a seamless and efficient way to interact with clients, allowing agents to provide instant responses to their queries and concerns.

With Chat GBT, real estate agents can automate responses to frequently asked questions, ensuring that clients receive prompt and accurate information. By setting up predefined answers to common queries, agents can save time and effort in manually typing out the same responses repeatedly. This automation not only improves agent efficiency but also ensures consistent and coherent communication with clients.

The use of Chat GBT also enhances the overall customer experience. Clients appreciate the convenience of receiving instant responses to their queries, as it saves them time and eliminates any unnecessary back-and-forth communication. Instant responsiveness portrays an image of professionalism and reliability, further bolstering the trust and confidence that clients have in their real estate agents.

Moreover, the availability of Chat GBT across multiple platforms and devices enables clients to interact with agents at their convenience. Whether they are using a desktop computer, a mobile device, or a tablet, clients can easily connect and communicate with their agents through the Chat GBT platform. This flexibility ensures that clients have a smooth and hassle-free communication experience, regardless of their preferred method of interaction.

Beyond the immediate benefits of time-saving and enhanced customer experience, streamlining communication with clients using Chat GBT also leads to increased client satisfaction and loyalty. When clients receive prompt and accurate information, they feel valued and prioritized. This positive experience encourages them to recommend the real estate agent to their friends and family, leading to potential referrals and new clients.

Furthermore, efficient communication builds stronger relationships with clients, which in turn fosters loyalty. When agents take the time to understand and address their clients' concerns and queries promptly, it creates a sense of trust and confidence. Clients are more likely to stick with an agent who is reliable and responsive, rather than switching to a competitor.

In conclusion, streamlining communication with clients is crucial for real estate agents to succeed in today's competitive market. Chat GBT offers a seamless and efficient way to interact with clients, providing instant responses to their queries and concerns. By automating responses to frequently asked questions and ensuring prompt communication, Chat GBT saves time, enhances the customer experience, and leads to increased client satisfaction and loyalty. Real estate agents who leverage Chat GBT as a communication tool are better equipped to meet the needs of their clients and build long-term relationships based on trust and reliability.

Lead Generation and Qualification

Generating and qualifying leads is a crucial aspect of any real estate agent's business. In today's digital age, where online platforms play a significant role in connecting buyers and sellers, it becomes essential for agents to leverage the right tools and technologies to capture potential leads. One such tool that can greatly enhance lead generation is Chat GBT.

Chat GBT, a powerful chatbot solution, allows real estate agents to capture leads directly from a variety of online platforms, including websites and social media. By integrating Chat GBT with lead generation forms, agents can automate the process of capturing and qualifying leads, ensuring that no potential opportunity is missed.

With Chat GBT, real estate agents can engage with prospects in a personalized and timely manner. The chatbot can initiate conversations with website visitors, social media users, or even respond to queries left on online listings. This immediate engagement not only provides a higher level of customer service but also increases the chances of capturing the lead.

One of the key benefits of using Chat GBT for lead generation is its ability to gather relevant information from prospects. The chatbot can ask a series of questions to understand the buyer's preferences, budget, desired location, and other important factors. This valuable data can then be used by the agent to tailor their approach and provide more targeted and personalized recommendations.

Additionally, Chat GBT can even schedule appointments on behalf of the agent. By integrating with the agent's calendar, the chatbot can check availability and book appointments at a time that is convenient for both parties. This automation not only saves time but also ensures that no potential lead falls through the cracks due to missed appointments or scheduling conflicts.

By using Chat GBT for lead generation and qualification, real estate agents can significantly streamline their workflow and focus their time and efforts on high-value activities. Instead of manually following up on leads or spending time on administrative tasks, agents can rely on the chatbot to handle the initial engagement and data gathering process. This allows agents to allocate more time to building relationships, conducting property viewings, and closing deals.

In conclusion, Chat GBT is a valuable tool for generating and qualifying leads in the real estate industry. By automating the lead capture process, engaging with prospects, gathering relevant information, and even scheduling appointments, agents can optimize their workflow and boost their overall productivity. With Chat GBT, real estate agents can ensure that no potential opportunity is missed and that every lead is given the attention it deserves.

Virtual Property Tours and Showings

In the era of social distancing and remote work, virtual property tours and showings have become increasingly important. With the help of Chat GBT, real estate agents and property sellers can now provide potential buyers with the opportunity to explore properties from the comfort of their own homes. This innovative technology allows for a more convenient and efficient way of showcasing properties, saving time and resources for all parties involved.

Advantages of Virtual Property Tours

Virtual property tours offer several advantages compared to traditional in-person showings:

  • Convenience: Virtual tours allow potential buyers to explore properties at their own pace, whenever and wherever they want. They no longer need to travel to different locations or coordinate schedules with real estate agents.
  • Accessibility: Virtual tours open up the market to a wider audience, including those with physical limitations or those who live in a different city or country. Buyers can view properties from any location around the world.
  • Time and Cost Savings: Virtual tours eliminate the need for physical travel, saving both time and money. Buyers can quickly narrow down their choices and focus on properties that genuinely interest them.
  • Detailed Viewing: Through Chat GBT, buyers can access high-quality images, videos, and 360-degree views of properties. They can explore every room, corner, and feature of a property in detail, gaining a comprehensive understanding before making a decision.
  • Interactive Experience: With the help of Chat GBT, potential buyers can interact with the virtual tour, ask questions, and receive instant responses. This personalized experience allows for a better understanding of the property and ensures that all queries are addressed.

Customizing Virtual Property Tours with Chat GBT

Chat GBT provides an excellent platform for real estate agents to customize virtual property tours according to their clients' needs and preferences. Agents can program Chat GBT to showcase different aspects of the property, highlighting its unique features and amenities. They can create a virtual walkthrough that guides buyers from the entrance to each room, providing detailed information along the way.

The possibilities with Chat GBT are endless. Agents can use the platform to:

  1. Highlight Key Features: By using Chat GBT, agents can emphasize the most attractive features of a property, such as a spacious backyard, modern kitchen, or luxurious master bedroom suite. They can provide images, description, and even share testimonials or reviews from previous buyers.
  2. Showcase Surrounding Area: Chat GBT can be programmed to display nearby amenities, such as parks, schools, shopping centers, and transportation options. This helps potential buyers gauge the location's suitability and convenience.
  3. Answer Questions: Buyers can ask questions directly to Chat GBT, which will provide prompt and accurate responses. This ensures that buyers receive the information they need to make informed decisions.
  4. Provide Additional Information: Agents can attach documents like floor plans, property brochures, and even virtual staging options to the Chat GBT interface. This allows buyers to better visualize the property and its potential.

Understanding the Preferences and Needs of Clients for Personalized Property Recommendations

When it comes to the real estate industry, understanding the preferences and needs of clients is crucial for providing personalized property recommendations. With advancements in technology, real estate agents now have access to powerful tools like Chat GBT, which can analyze client interactions and gather valuable insights about their preferences, budget, and desired location. This wealth of information allows agents to generate tailored property recommendations, ensuring that clients receive listings that specifically align with their requirements. Not only does this personalized approach enhance the client-agent relationship, but it also increases the likelihood of successful transactions.

The Power of Chat GBT in Analyzing Client Interactions

Chat GBT, or Chat Gradient Boosting Trees, is a machine learning algorithm that has been trained on vast amounts of data to understand and interpret real estate client interactions. By analyzing these interactions, Chat GBT can uncover underlying patterns and extract valuable insights that would otherwise be difficult or time-consuming for agents to identify.

For example, when clients engage in chat conversations with agents, Chat GBT can analyze the text and identify keywords related to their preferences, budget, and desired location. This information can then be used to create a profile of the client, allowing agents to gain a deeper understanding of their needs and preferences.

Additionally, Chat GBT can recognize and interpret client sentiment by analyzing their tone and language. This provides agents with valuable insights into the client's emotional state and helps them tailor their recommendations accordingly. For instance, if a client expresses frustration or dissatisfaction with previous property viewings, agents can focus on presenting options that address their specific concerns and preferences.

Tailored Property Recommendations for Clients

With the insights provided by Chat GBT, real estate agents can generate tailored property recommendations that are uniquely suited to each client's preferences and needs. These recommendations take into account factors such as location, budget, property type, amenities, and any other specific requirements expressed by the client.

By presenting clients with listings that align with their specific requirements, agents can save both parties valuable time and effort. Clients no longer have to sift through countless properties that are not relevant to their needs, and agents can focus their efforts on properties that are more likely to meet the client's expectations.

Moreover, personalized property recommendations demonstrate to clients that the agent genuinely understands their needs and preferences. This personalized approach builds trust and enhances the client-agent relationship, fostering a positive and collaborative environment throughout the property search process.

The Benefits of Personalized Recommendations

There are numerous benefits to providing personalized property recommendations to clients:

  • Increased Client Satisfaction: By receiving recommendations that closely align with their preferences and needs, clients are more likely to be satisfied with the properties they view. This leads to higher levels of client satisfaction and increases the likelihood of successful transactions.
  • Time and Effort Saving: Clients save time and effort by only viewing properties that meet their requirements, rather than wasting time on irrelevant options. This streamlined process allows clients to make more efficient decisions and speeds up the property search process.
  • Improved Client-Agent Relationship: When clients feel that their needs are truly understood and that the agent is actively working to provide relevant recommendations, the client-agent relationship strengthens. This can result in more referrals and repeat business in the future.
  • Better Market Insights: By analyzing the preferences and needs of multiple clients, real estate agents can gain valuable insights into market trends and demands. This information can inform their future business strategies and help them stay ahead in a competitive market.

Maintaining Regular Communication and Engagement

In the fast-paced world of real estate, effective communication and engagement with clients are key factors for success. Real estate agents need to stay connected with their clients and provide them with up-to-date information on new listings, market trends, and relevant updates. However, manually keeping track of every client and sending them personalized messages can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive process.

This is where Chat GBT comes in. Chat GBT is an automated messaging system that streamlines the communication process between agents and clients. With Chat GBT, real estate agents can automate follow-up messages and ensure that clients receive consistent updates and information. By programming Chat GBT to send personalized messages based on client preferences, birthdays, or anniversaries, agents can foster a stronger connection and build trust with their clients.

Automated Follow-up Messages

One of the most valuable features of Chat GBT is the ability to automate follow-up messages. Instead of manually sending individual messages to each client, agents can rely on Chat GBT to send automated messages at designated intervals. Whether it's a new listing that matches the client's criteria or a market update, Chat GBT can provide clients with relevant information in a timely manner.

Automated follow-up messages not only save agents time and resources but also ensure that clients are consistently updated and engaged. By maintaining regular communication, agents can stay top of mind with clients and increase the chances of closing deals. Clients appreciate the personal touch that automated follow-ups provide, as it shows that agents are actively working on their behalf.

Personalized Messages

Chat GBT allows agents to send personalized messages based on client preferences, birthdays, or anniversaries. By leveraging client data, agents can create customized messages that resonate with each individual client. Personalization plays a crucial role in building a strong connection with clients and fostering trust.

For example, if an agent knows that a client is interested in beachfront properties, Chat GBT can automatically send them listings and updates specifically related to beachfront properties. Similarly, agents can program Chat GBT to send birthday or anniversary greetings to clients, showing that they value and remember important milestones in their clients' lives.

Saving Time and Resources

Automating the follow-up and client engagement processes with Chat GBT allows agents to save valuable time and resources. Instead of spending hours manually sending messages, agents can focus on other important tasks such as prospecting, negotiating deals, or networking. Chat GBT takes care of the communication aspect, ensuring that clients receive timely updates without agents having to lift a finger.

Furthermore, automating these processes reduces the risk of human error. Chat GBT ensures that messages are sent on time and in a consistent manner, minimizing the chances of forgetting to follow up with a client or missing an important update. By relying on automation, agents can maintain a high level of client engagement and satisfaction.


In the competitive world of real estate, maintaining regular communication and engagement with clients is essential. Chat GBT offers a solution to streamline this process by automating follow-up messages and sending personalized messages based on client preferences. Agents can save time and resources while ensuring that clients are consistently updated and engaged. By leveraging automation, agents can build trust, foster stronger connections, and ultimately increase their chances of closing deals.

A Bit of a Dive into Artificial Intelligence, as it is Today.



A year ago, "Artificial Intelligence" was a term conveying very little meaning. Now, "A.I." is used to market just about anything and it's assumed we fully understand its use.


Now there are over 10 million otherwise normal people, who firmly believe A.I. is either going to save them or exterminate them. Since both outcomes overstate the issue, here are a few "Intro" concepts, to give you a beginning on your A.I. journey.


For right now, here are few points of explanation:

  1. A.I. refers to a massive language database, that can learn on its own and will respond to requests to create or improve your own writing or images with its own creations.
  2. A.I. is not a "canned" set of pre-written material. Each time it receives a request, it will generate a new unique reply.
  3. A.I. is not perfect, as of right now, it has a limited view of our world and will sometimes make a mistake or even produce a misstatement.  This issue will be reduced as the A.I. is used more frequently and in unique situations.
  4. A.I. currently is not a super intelligence, though many groups are trying to take A.I. to its highest level "Artificial General Intelligence - AGI" which may only be a few years  or a decade away. AGI, by definition would exceed the capabilities of any human, thus there are serious issues to be resolved.
  5. To try A.I. for yourself "Click Here" for a free trial account.


Title: E-Learning vs. Traditional Face-to-Face Education: Why E-Learning Comes Out on Top




In recent years, the rise of e-learning has been a game-changer in the world of education. As technology continues to advance, more and more people are turning to e-learning as their preferred method of acquiring knowledge. E-learning has made significant strides in offering a multitude of benefits over traditional face-to-face education. In this blog, we'll explore the top benefits of e-learning and why it's becoming the go-to choice for learners.

  1. Flexibility and Accessibility

One of the most significant advantages of e-learning is its flexibility. Students can access their coursework from anywhere, at any time. This convenience allows learners to plan their study time around the rest of their day, eliminating the need to adhere to a rigid schedule. Whether you're a working professional or a busy parent, e-learning enables you to learn at your own pace and on your terms.

  1. Cost-Effectiveness

E-learning is often more cost-effective than traditional face-to-face education. Online courses typically have lower tuition fees, and learners save on commuting costs, housing, and other expenses associated with attending a physical institution. Moreover, e-learning materials are often available in digital formats, reducing the cost of textbooks and other resources.

  1. Personalised Learning Experience

E-learning allows for a more personalised learning experience. Students can work at their own pace and focus on the areas where they need the most improvement. They can also access various resources, such as videos, quizzes, and interactive content, to enhance their understanding. This level of customisation in e-learning helps cater to individual learning styles and needs, leading to better knowledge retention and overall success.

  1. Access to a resource independent classroom
  1. Environmentally Friendly

E-learning is a more sustainable and eco-friendly option compared to traditional face-to-face education. By reducing the need for physical infrastructure, transportation, and printed materials, e-learning helps minimize carbon emissions and contribute to a greener planet.

  1. Immediate Feedback and Progress Tracking

E-learning platforms offer instant feedback and automated progress tracking. Students can quickly gauge their understanding through quizzes, tests, and interactive exercises, making it easier to identify areas that need improvement. Furthermore, this immediate feedback allows learners to stay motivated and engaged throughout their educational journey.


The benefits of e-learning extend beyond mere convenience. From personalised learning experiences to global accessibility and cost savings, e-learning has revolutionised the way people acquire knowledge. As technology continues to advance, e-learning will only grow in popularity, offering even more advantages to learners worldwide. If you haven't already, consider exploring the world of e-learning to experience these benefits firsthand.

Don't Quit Real Estate Now!


OK, I know the market seems to have been dead and buried; the wake held and everyone has gone home. But take it from Denese & I, and we have been here many times; this is a moment of reset, not a funeral. 

What was the market during the last few years, was the aberration, not now. Yes, it sure felt better six months ago, with listings leading to quick sales and quick commissions. However, that was the major symptom that something was very wrong.

You see, when we discuss a market, any market, there is typically a match between the stuff being sold and the stuff buyers want. There might be a small amount of negotiation over the value of the stuff, but the parties begin on a pretty much level playing field and the stuff get transacted.

Once in a while a few too many want to buy and the stuff (read as properties) being sold are insufficient. This naturally increases the pressure between buyers and also alerts the sellers to the option of increasing price. Sounds ok, unless of course you are a buyer and are left empty-handed or with an empty wallet.

The flip side of this is the Buyer's Market, which we are experiencing at the moment.  Now suddenly, the buyer has plenty of choices and the prices are taking the down escalator. The thing is that Kiwi agents have experienced far more Seller's Markets during the last few decades and few appear able to adjust.

In addition, licensee's training has traditionally had more attention and while Buyer Agency in New Zealand did not exist before the 2008 Real Estate Agents Act and remains something of a step-child or experiment for most.  However, the Lee & Denese show is here to point out that in the United States, Canada and other English speaking countries, buyer agency has bee around for the last 20+ Years. Actually, in the states, most agents make about 65+% of their income from buyer agency. Do let that sink in!

OK, so here is the advice:
  1. Don't panic and drop out of the profession... you have much to lose and uncertainty ahead.
  2. Get a bit of rest and then, regardless of what you have heard, look into buyer agency.
  3. Continue to improve your skills and rid yourself of any old habits that are not working.
  4. While you are at it, rid yourself of unimportant relationships, that return little ot no value.
  5. Set a schedule and associated goals and make sure you meet them.
  6. Develop your online skill set. Big disruptions are coming and those skills will be tested.
  7. Recognise that real estate allows you the most schedule flexibility and built in time-out.
  8. Work on your health and the habits that can assist in keeping you going...then keep going!
I could go on, but the bottom line is to indeed keep going.  Real Estate needs you!

Audio Version

How To Protect Your Identity and Personal Data Online


 How to protect your identity and personal data online 

We live in a world where technology is constantly evolving. With new technology comes new ways to protect your identity and personal data online. Here are some tips to help keep you safe online:

1. Use a strong password

The first step in protecting your identity and personal data online is to use a strong password. A strong password is one that is at least 8 characters long and includes a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. You should also avoid using common words or phrases.

2. Use a VPN

A VPN, or virtual private network, is a tool that helps protect your online privacy. When you use a VPN, your data is encrypted and tunneled through a private network. This makes it more difficult for criminals to hack into your device or steal your personal information.

3. Use a password manager

A password manager is a tool that helps you create and manage strong passwords. Password managers generate and store strong passwords for you, so you don’t have to remember them yourself. They also help you to stay safe online by providing two-factor authentication.

4. Be aware of phishing scams

Phishing scams are emails or websites that attempt to steal your personal information. Be aware of the signs of a phishing scam, and never click on links or download attachments from suspicious emails.

5. Don’t share your personal information

One of the best ways to protect your identity and personal data online is to not share your personal information. Don’t give away your Social Security number, bank account information, or other sensitive details to anyone you don’t trust.

6. Use a secure Wi-Fi connection

When you’re using public Wi-Fi, be sure to connect to a secure network. A secure network is one that is protected by a password or authentication key. Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks to do online banking or shopping, as these networks are often not secure.

7. Stay up to date on the latest security threats

It’s important to stay up to date on the latest security threats. This way, you can be aware of the latest scams and protect yourself from them. Be sure to use a reputable antivirus program and keep your software updated.

8. Use two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication is a security measure that requires two forms of identification, usually via a code sent to your mobile device.

 Password protection software and The best password protection apps 

 When it comes to passwords, we all know that the more complex they are, the better. However, the more complex they are, the more difficult they are to remember. This is why many of us use the same passwords for multiple accounts, or choose passwords that are easy to guess. Unfortunately, this can lead to identity theft or other cybersecurity issues.

One way to help keep your passwords safe is to use password protection software. This software can help to create and store complex passwords for you, so you don't have to remember them yourself. There are a number of different password protection apps available, so it can be difficult to decide which one is right for you. Here is a look at some of the best password protection apps available.

1. LastPass https://www.lastpass.com)

LastPass is one of the most popular password protection apps available. It is a cross-platform app that can be used on desktops, laptops, and mobile devices. LastPass allows you to create and store complex passwords, and it can also help you to autofill your passwords on websites. It is free to use for up to six users, and there is a paid premium version available for more users.

2. 1Password (https://1password.com)

1Password is another popular password protection app. It is a cross-platform app that can be used on desktops, laptops, and mobile devices. 1Password allows you to create and store complex passwords, and it can also help you to autofill your passwords on websites. It has a paid and a free version. The paid version offers more features, such as the ability to share passwords with others.

3. KeePass (https://keepass.info)

KeePass is a free, open-source password protection app. It is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. KeePass allows you to create and store complex passwords, and it also offers a password generator to help you create strong passwords.

4. Dashlane (https://dashlane.com)

Dashlane is a password protection app that is available for Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android. It offers features such as the ability to autofill passwords and create strong passwords. Dashlane is free to use for up to 50 passwords, and there is a paid premium version available for more passwords. 


 The best way to protect your identity and personal data online is to be aware of the risks and take precautions. Use strong passwords, be careful when clicking on links or sharing personal information, and install anti-virus software. If you are careful and vigilant, you can protect yourself from cybercrime and identity theft.


How Much Real Estate Regulation Is Right For New Zealand


 How much regulation is required to protect NZ property buyers and sellers? 

 The amount of regulation needed to protect property buyers and sellers varies from country to country. In some countries, there is little to no regulation in place, while in others, there are stringent regulations in place. Generally speaking, the more regulation that is in place, the more protection buyers and sellers have.

Some of the key regulations that buyers and sellers can expect to see include:

- Disclosure laws: These laws require that sellers disclose any information they know about the property they are selling. This can include information about past repairs or damage, as well as any zoning or building restrictions that may apply.

- Property inspections: In order to ensure that a property is safe and in good condition, most jurisdictions require that it be inspected by a professional before it is sold. This may include checking for termites, leaks, and other damage.

- Laws concerning title: The title to a property is essentially the proof that the person who is selling it is in fact the owner. In order to protect buyers, many countries have laws in place that ensure that the title is in order and that there are no outstanding claims against the property.

- Laws governing real estate transactions: These laws deal with the actual process of buying and selling a property. They may include rules about how contracts must be written, how deposits must be paid, and what happens if the sale falls through.

While all of these regulations are important, it is important to remember that they are not all-encompassing. There are many other things that can happen during a real estate transaction that may not be covered by the law. This is why it is always important to consult with a lawyer before buying or selling a property.

 Real estate regulation and New Zealand real estate act 

 The New Zealand Real Estate Agents Act 2008 is a law that governs the real estate industry in New Zealand. The act sets out the rules and regulations around the operation of real estate agencies, the provision of real estate services, and the handling of money and property by real estate agents.

The act establishes a Real Estate Agents Authority (REAA/REA) to regulate the real estate market. The REAA/REA is responsible for licensing and renewing the licenses of real estate agents, investigating complaints about real estate agents, and prosecuting offenders.

The act also establishes a Code of Conduct for real estate agents. The code sets out the standards of practice that real estate agents must adhere to when providing services to clients. Agents who breach the code can be subject to disciplinary action by the REAA/REA.

The New Zealand Real Estate Agents Act 2008 is an important piece of legislation that helps to protect consumers and promote fair and honest behaviour in the real estate industry. By setting out clear rules and regulations, the act ensures that agents operate in a transparent and accountable manner, and that consumers can have confidence in the services they receive.


 The need for regulation to protect buyers and sellers of property is clear. The amount of regulation, however, is still a matter for debate. More research is needed to determine the best way to protect everyone involved in a property transaction.


Technology As Applied To Real Estate Practice:



Technology As Applied To Real Estate Practice:

The Easiest Way To Stay Current In Real Estate Technology 


Technology is constantly evolving and the real estate industry is no exception. If you want to stay current in real estate technology, you need to be constantly learning and keeping up with the latest trends. Here are some tips on how to do just that:

1. Stay informed. One of the best ways to stay current in real estate technology is to keep informed about what’s going on in the industry. Read industry publications, attend industry events, and follow industry leaders on social media. This will help you stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies.

2. Join online communities. There are many online communities where real estate professionals can learn and share information about the latest technologies. These communities are a great place to ask questions, get feedback, and learn from others who are also interested in staying current in real estate technology.

3. Take online courses. There are many online courses available that teach about the latest real estate technologies. These courses are a great way to learn about new technologies and how to use them in your business.

4. Attend conferences. Conferences are another great way to learn about the latest real estate technologies. At conferences, you can attend sessions that teach about the latest technologies, listen to expert speakers, and network with others in the industry.

5. Use social media. Social media is a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest real estate technologies. You can follow industry leaders on social media, read blog posts about new technologies, and watch videos about how to use new technologies.


New Agent Products/Services In Technology Applied To Real Estate and Unbiased Reviews by Top Technologists/Agents 


There are many new real estate technology products and services on the market, but how do you know which ones are the best for your business? And how do you know which ones are the most reliable and user-friendly?

Here, we'll take a look at some of the newest agent products and services in technology, and we'll give you our honest, unbiased reviews. 

1. Real estate CRM software.

If you're looking for a good CRM software to help you manage your real estate business, then you should definitely check out TopProducer. It's a great CRM that is very user-friendly and easy to learn. It also has a ton of features that will help you manage your business more effectively.

2. IDX websites.

If you're looking to improve your online presence, then you should definitely check out IDX websites. They allow you to showcase your listings on your own website, and they also come with a ton of great features that will help you better market your business online.

3. Real estate lead generation tools.

If you're looking for some good lead generation tools, then you should definitely check out Listing Booster. It's a great tool that will help you generate more leads for your business. It's easy to use, and it comes with a lot of great features that will help you get the most out of your leads.

4. Transaction management software.

If you're looking for some good transaction management software, then you should check out zipForm. It's a great software that will help you manage your transactions more effectively. It's easy to use, and it comes with a ton of great features that will make your life a lot easier.

5. Google My Business.

If you're not already using Google My Business, then you should definitely start using it. It's a great tool that will allow you to manage your business online. It's free to use, and it comes with a lot of great features that will help you get the most out of your online presence.




Technology is constantly evolving and real estate professionals need to find the easiest way to stay current. Some easy ways to stay current in real estate technology include: subscribe to blogs or newsletters, follow companies or people on social media, attend webinars, or take classes.


What's Happening to the Property Market in New Zealand?


From the Pen of: Dr. Lee Konowe

The property market is a constantly changing beast. What was once a seller's market is now a buyer's market. Values are still high but there has definitely been a slowdown in the market.

In Auckland, the median house price is now around $830,000. This is still high but it's a far cry from the $1 million median that we saw a few years ago.

The reason for the slowdown is mainly due to the new lending restrictions the Reserve Bank has put that in place. These restrictions have made it harder for people to get a loan, so there are fewer buyers in the market.

This doesn't mean that the market is done for. The current market is still a good time to buy, especially if you're looking for a family home. Values are likely to stay stable for the next few years, so it's a good time to buy before they start to creep up again.

If you're thinking of selling, it's best to wait until the market picks up again. There's still a lot of interest in Auckland property, so you shouldn't have any trouble finding a buyer.

New Zealand property market forecast for 2022 and Property availability 

They forecast the New Zealand property market to stay strong in 2022, with property availability remaining tight in many areas.

The Auckland market is expected to continue to be especially popular, with prices for houses and apartments predicted to continue to rise. Wellington and Christchurch are also expected to experience strong growth, while other areas of the country are forecast to see more moderate price rises.

In terms of availability, Auckland is expected to remain the most competitive market, with demand outstripping supply in many areas. Wellington is also likely to see a shortage of property, particularly in the central areas, while Christchurch is likely to continue to experience a shortage of suburban homes.

Overall, the New Zealand property market is expected to remain strong in 2022, with price rises and a lack of availability in many areas.


The article suggests that the property market in New Zealand is in a state of flux, with prices starting to rise again in some areas but continuing to fall in others. Despite this volatility, the long-term trend seems to be for prices to continue to increase. This means that those who are able to buy property now may benefit from substantial capital gains in the future.


New "Blended" REA Verifiable Course Materials - Face-2-Face Meets The Web



Buzzwords, buzzwords and more buzzwords, so now we add yet another. The thing is that this one "Blended Learning" actually generates a useful mental image. In this case we are blending the online model with the traditional "Face-To-Face" traditional learning model.

Well, not exactly. In the e-Agent version, blended learning refers to a mix of online and augmented online (webinar style). So there is a face-to-face component, however, it is virtual and the matchup is with a content only side, thus we are "Blending" two different online settings.

OK, so what are the Pro's & Con's?


  • Registration is via newsletter.
  • No separate mass emailing.
  • Capable of being embedded in just about any website/web-press environment.
  • Responsive code allows mobile viewing.
  • Reduced hesitancy by non-technical users.
  • Low entry/production costs.
  • Limited direct interaction, during production & replay.
  • Webinars using recorded presentation have a historically mixed public reaction.
  • Updating content still requires considerable editing.
The Bottom Line:

Recorded webinars offer an addition method for reviewing e-Learning content and reinforcing existing content materials.

The ultimate income will be measured and we will report the findings right here.